English Language

Time: 12 Minutes
Marks: 20
Serial Question
1 Plural form of ' Phenomenon ' is
a) Phenomene
b) Phenomena
c) Phenomean
d) Phanaminas
Ans: 2
2 The plural form of ' Oasis ' is :
a) oasises
b) oasis
c) oasess
d) oases
Ans: 4
3 What is the plural form of radius?
a) radiuses
b) radium
c) radii
d) raduisis
Ans: 3
4 What is the plural of the word ' index ' ?
a) indices
b) indexes
c) index
d) indexs
Ans: 1
5 Which one is plural ?
a) Actress
b) princess
c) Mistress
d) Princesses
Ans: 4
6 The child cried for - mother .
a) his
b) her
c) its
d) none
Ans: 3
7 The correct spelling is -
a) a) transfigurasion
b) b) transfigeration
c) c) transfeaguration
d) d) transfiguration
Ans: 4
8 Choose the word that is missplled .
a) a) diarhoea
b) b) cholera
c) c) dehydration
d) d) typhoid
Ans: 1
9 Choose the correct spelling
a) a) fience
b) b) parallal
c) c) privelidge
d) d) archipelago
Ans: 4
10 Choose the incorrect spelled word .
a) a) infatuation
b) b) spaniel
c) c) numerical
d) d) familliar
Ans: 4
11 Which one is correct ?
a) a) enterpreneoure
b) b) entrepreneure
c) c) entrepranour
d) d) enterprenur
Ans: 2
12 Which one is the correct spelling ?
a) a) exaggeration
b) b) exagaration
c) c) exaggarasion
d) d) exagiration
Ans: 1
13 Select the correct spelling ?
a) a) Expedient
b) b) Expadient
c) c) Expodiant
d) d) Expedeint
Ans: 1
14 Choose the correctly spelled words ?
a) a) Ambassy
b) b) Ambessyn
c) c) Embassy
d) d) Embessy
Ans: 3
15 I have butterflies in my stomach means __
a) a) I am confident
b) b) I am nervous
c) c) I am delighted
d) d) I am sad
Ans: 2
16 Cry wolf means ___
a) a) show anger
b) b) bare ones teeth
c) c) clear the road
d) d) give a false alarm
Ans: 4
17 Catch sight of means _
a) a) see for a moment
b) b) paying attention
c) c) discover
d) d) become popular
Ans: 1
18 Cut to the quick means __
a) a) to cut into two pices
b) b) to cut quickly
c) c) to cut at a reasonable
d) d) to hurt intensely
Ans: 4
19 BY and large means _
a) a) very far awy
b) b) mostly
c) c) everywhere
d) d) far away
Ans: 2
20 Call in question means __
a) problem
b) die
c) doubt
d) optimum
Ans: 3
21 Something capable of being done.
a) Tenable
b) Explicable
c) Feasible
d) Probable
Ans: 3
22 The study of insects
a) Etymology
b) Entomology
c) Zoology
d) Anthropology
Ans: 2
23 One who walks in sleep
a) Somnambulist
b) Altruist
c) Egoist
d) Ventriloquist
Ans: 1
24 Code of diplomatic etiquette and precedence
a) Hierarchy
b) Protocol
c) Diplomacy
d) Statesmanship
Ans: 2
25 A group of three books, films, etc that have the same subject or characters
a) Trinity
b) Trilogy
c) Trio
d) Tripod
Ans: 2